No my go to tournament/quasi fluffy (there is some cheese) list for the Tyrant's Legion was usually this:
Guard and Wolves
CCS, Master of Ordnance, Lascannon
Sly Marbo (who could leave home without him?)
CCS w/ 2 Grenade Launchers
IS w/ Grenade Launcher + Autocannon
IS w/ Grenade Launcher + Autocannon
IS w/ Grenade Launcher + Autocannon
Veteran Squad w/ Shotguns + Lascannon (modeling blunder on my behalf)
Fast Attack
Vendetta (no duh)
Heavy Support
1 Vanilla Leman Russ
2 Griffons w/Heavy Flamers (I love the griffons, like most favourite unit within guard, try them out sometime)
1 Hydra Flak Tank
Rune Priest w/Bolt Pistol
10 Grey Hunters w/ x2 Melta Guns + drop pod
Heavy Support
5 Long fangs w/ 4 Missle launchers
Aegis line w/ quadcannon
Essentially this list would sit in a corner behind an aegis line and force the enemy into a variety of 'kill zones"
The LRMBT and Hydra would be able to touch most areas on the table, thus forcing the enemy to move up with their AT guns, which are usually 48", thats when the griffons, autocannons and lascannons start firing and punishing the enemy, at this point they really need to get in close, once they are within 24" the guard blob lets rip with FRFSRF and some sweet prescience from the Rune Priest.
The vendetta comes on to cause issues as per usual and the pod drops first turn to either help score first blood, or knock out any large threats (artillery!!).
But after that rambling rant, on to the 750pt options.
My original option I was looking at something like the above but with stripped down elements of both, but this left me with some dead weight, like a veteran squad with no heavy weapons and a host of other issues, so I looked into changing things up somewhat.
Rune Priest w/bolt pistol 100
5 Grey Hunters w/Melta+ DP 115
5 Grey Hunters w/Flamer 75
3 Long Fangs w/ 2 M/L 65
CCS w/lascannon 70
PCS 30
Inf w/Autocannon 60
Inf w/Autocannon 60
Aegis w/quad cannon 100
Griffon 75
No I squeezed as hard as I could while trying to maintin scoring ability, huorde busting and anti armour.
After a count, it is really only missing 2 marines, 20 guardsmen, sly, vendetta, griffon, hydra and the is amazing how many points they suck up haha..
Anyway those that actually read this, wish me some luck and I'll come back with the scores.
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