Now the possibility of ass-hattery with OP or cheese units
within the Imperial Armour books.
When you start this argument with someone, I can almost
assure you that the first two examples the nay-sayers will come up with are
these: The dreaded Lucius Drop Pod Triad with
either a Contempter (we’ll just make it mortis pattern for added cheese) or an
Ironclad running out of it. I’ll go over the Contemptor first.
An expensive quadcannon? |
So with a Contemptor you get an AV13 Venerable Dreadnought
with the rifleman load out and an invul save. If he doesn't move in his turn,
he may skyfire his weapons which, is really quite good, I’ll agree. Factor in though that he cost double the points of the Aegis with Quadcannon (The Quad
has interceptor so….), or is a little short of the cost of 3 Hydras, when you
sit down and look at it, he really isn't that amazing.
Next we drop onto the Lucius Drop Pod, the reason this
little bugger is such a pain is due to the fact a dreadnought can assault out
of it. “JESUS CHRIST” you say, “You could have assaulting dreadnaughts on the
first turn!!” and “People could easily run three of those, that would be
devastating” and this would be correct and how the nay-sayers would have you
believe it stops there. But let’s look at the rules… Coming in at somewhere
around the price of 2 normal drop pods and taking up a valuable FA choice the
Lucius is already adding some price to your Dreadnought, now if you’re not
running an Ironclad, you’ll need to make a dangerous terrain test (not overly
threatening, but we've all rolled those 1s) as your walking tank bursts
heartily out of the pod, so there is the risk there.
Apparently it may eat your babies.. |
Now in this example most people go on about how if you run
three of those you’d ream anything. Let’s just look at running 3 of those with
either Contemptors or Ironclads. With 3,
making the dreaded Lucius triad, you’ll be steadily approaching 2.5-3 land
raiders in point cost, not to mention the fact you've forgone all your Elite
(or Heavy) slots as well as your FA slots. I’ll also note that Blood Angels
players CANNOT take a Lucius pod, so no options of blender dread hewing on in.
So you may sit back and think that is quite powerful, but
really, unless the dreads are assaulting tanks, ‘good’ infantry or MC’s they are quite wasted,
having say 2-4 attacks isn't anything to get excited over. The fact is any good
player would realise the downfalls behind an attack like this and bubble wrap
Huzzah to fore-thought. |
Which ever way you’d like to see it, I believe the above
is quite a bad example of FW’s ‘OP’ rules, for one, when looked at properly, it
really isn’t OP at all and two, most forgeworld actual Army Lists are quite
weak compared next to their core-dex cousins.
Last but not least ‘OP’ units aren't only a FW problem, I’m sure we've all
had to deal with Vendetta spam, or Baledrakes double-roasting are armoured
marines, or the dreaded Necron flying circus.
This really brings me to the end of my rant against
backwards Australia's non-acceptance of Forgeworld. I find that all the issues
the nay-sayers bring up occur just if not more regularly in the core rules than they do in
forgeworld set..
Thanks for dealing with the wall of text.
...I don't really have a lot to say here, since your arguments address one and only one unit and ignore all the others. Lucius, now that it forces a DT test and can't be taken for Blood Angels, isn't the big boy on the block anymore. Sabres, Manticores, Acanthrites, etc, are the problem units.
ReplyDeleteYou can say that these are no worse than existing units, but why introduce more unbalanced units to the game? How does that help anything?
Would you like me to go over the others? Manticores, are we talking run of the mill IG dex, or the dodge artillery pieces?
ReplyDeleteWell as long as there is unbalanced units, I don't see an issue using other unbalanced units...