Monday, 30 July 2018

The Goliath Comes Calling

Managed to squeeze in some progress on the first Goliath / Wyvern conversion using the FW Thudd guns.  Resin has made progress a little slower as using super glue tends to remove my fingerprints.  

Had to chop the rear end of the Thudd and extend out a platform on the Goliath for reloading the guns.  I also added a few wires to break up the lines, reckoning that Huron wasn't big on Work Safe conditions.  Will be adding the wheels and more details (a few aquila?) and trying to decide between 1x gunner and 2x crew, or just the 1x crew and gunner (Wyverns come with a Heavy Bolter on their hull which in this case will be manned on the front port).

1 comment:

  1. Well now that's a fantastic conversion idea that I've yet to see. Well done!
